Why Buy?


  • Our DVD reading program is Completely Self-Taught!.
  • Everyone will have an easier time learning with pictures.
  • Learning phonics is Made Easy by Connecting Memorable Pictures with phonetic sounds.
  • This Viewing of Sounds is an Extra Medium of Learning and it Speeds Up the Learning Process.
  • You only need to buy One Reading Program.
  • We Repeat and Spell Sounds for clarity.
  • There is Instant Feedback for accuracy.
  • We Consolidate Sounds for simplicity.
  • We Relate Concepts with pictures.
  • We have worked 30 years with reading problems.
  • We help to break bad reading habits.
  • Your Spelling will automatically Improve.
  • There are self-tests at the end of each section.
  • We have color-coded our 21 lessons for easy access to lessons.
  • Older Students should complete our whole reading program in Less than 30 Hours.
  • There is Total Participation to keep the student on task.

Many Methods Of Multi-Sensory Learning:

  • Viewing
  • Recall
  • Listening
  • Tips with Pictures
  • Connecting Pictures to Phonetic Sounds!
  • Relating Concepts to Pictures
  • Student Participation
  • Spelling Sounds & Words
  • Instant Feedback
  • Memory Games

I am very grateful for my job as a model. There is a lot of competition in this line of work, and I have always been fearful of someone finding out that I was a poor reader. At parties that I have attended, they have played games that required reading board cards. While playing the game, I was always worried about having to read out loud a card with a word on it that I would not know. After embarrassing myself a few times, I knew that I had to find a way to become a better reader.

While on the internet, I noticed your program, and I thought I would give it a try. After finishing your program, I have since found out that I was not the only one who needed help with reading. I now find myself helping others read words they do not know!!

I am so glad I improved my reading skills. I have more confidence in myself.
