Returns & Refunds

Go to the order button on the top of the page if you would like the on-line $25 Beginner-Adult reading program for Computers or Cell Phones.... If you have a DVD player you have the option to purchase the $85 4DVD Beginner-Adult program.


You may return, unopened items, within 30 days of delivery for a full 100% refund.  You will receive 85% of an opened package that is mailed back to us within 30 days of delivery. The package has to be returned in its original condition.

Receiving a Refund

You will receive your refund in the same manner in which it was purchased. All refunds will be processed within two days of receipt.

Refund Notification

We'll notify you via e-mail of your refund once we've received and processed the returned item.

The program is great. I give it an A+ in my book. I love how I am learning how to understand the sounds. A program like this is very hard to locate. The cards work so well with the DVDs. The pictures on the DVDs and the flashcards help the person with a learning problem. I can review the program many times to help me understand. There is lots of material to learn, and I can do it at home. There is no rush to complete the program.

L. Kirby